七年级的学生正在 重大的改变.

然而,主要的区别是从小学过渡到 从学校到中学主要是外部的——建筑的变化, 阶级结构的变化,以及每天看到的一群不同的面孔 在此基础上,发生在七年级的许多变化是相反的 内部. 了解这些发展及其与学术的关系 因此,成绩对于最大限度地提高学生的成功非常重要.

在学术领域,学生是 在理解和解决问题方面受到挑战


学生们不再只是记忆事实,而是学会收集数据, 使用科学的方法,并将这些信息应用到写作中 报告和提问.


在英语学习中,学生们越来越需要解决词汇问题, 读写内容难度和深度加大.


早期数学学得好可以为学生学习基础知识做准备 这是他们在高中要学的所有数学的基础.

A particularly valuable use of time during seventh grade is to begin to practice study and time management skills.

在学术领域, students are being exposed to many concepts that build upon earlier fundamental skills, but also provide building blocks for the concepts that they will encounter in 8th grade and in high school.

不仅仅是技能培养, it is important to consider how academic performance at this time begins to position students on the particular academic track they will follow once they enter high school. 每过一年,一个学生就离九年级更近了, 这条轨道变得越来越坚定, and this academic pathway has a significant influence on the overall rigor that will be present on the academic transcript colleges will receive at the end of high school. 当前的学术选择和表现确实对学生有长期的影响. 虽然全国各地的中学课程有所不同, there are general content areas to which most students will be exposed during 7th grade.

外学者, seventh grade is a time when many students express increased interest in activities outside of the classroom.

这是否是一种乐器, 另一项运动, 或者参加学生会, students may begin to experience the type of pressures on their time that will become much more prominent later in middle school and beyond. 除了, the physical and social changes that students are experiencing during this time can reflect themselves in a student’s motivation towards academics and his or her overall disposition. It is important to find ways to keep students engaged their schoolwork as any regression can have long term repercussions in the opportunities that they will have in high school and college.



The academic achievement that these 7th grade students have demonstrated through elementary school and into middle school should continue to be a focus at this point in time. 随着学生进一步进入中学, the performance of each subsequent year has a greater impact on the potential academic track on which they will find themselves come 9th grade. 因此, any downward trend in grade performance at this point in time can undermine the work that students have previously done.

Students in 7th grade with high academic achievement will face increased challenges to maintaining these standards as they confront additional pressures outside of the classroom. This is a time when students begin to struggle to maintain previous performance because they are not well equipped to handle these concurrent additional academic and social challenges. It is thus essential for students to cultivate the study habits that will provide them with the ability to maximize the time they spent on academics. This work will also have a significant impact as a student continues to proceed through grade levels.

A component of students confronting these dual social and academic challenges is to develop a motivation and a mindset that inspires sustained achievement. 强调具体是很重要的, objective reasons why continued work in the academic space will have a significant impact in the future.


Students in 7th grade who have cultivated the skills and aptitude to receive B grades to this part of middle school can still identify ways to develop the confidence and skill mastery needed to increase their academic achievement. While the rate of academic growth generally seen in middle school students is not as significant as that of earlier grades, it is still possible for students to make the transition from a “B Student” to an “A student” with less effort than what will be required later in their academic careers. Work tailored to areas of weakness in combination with individualized support can thus pay particular dividends.

This academic work should occur in combination with an emphasis on developing student mindset, 特别是在信心方面. The multi-faceted pressures students face at this point of their adolescence can cause an erosion in the confidence needed to believe that they can take the final step to the top of the score scale.


在这个时间点, students in 7th grade who are receiving predominantly C grades or below have the opportunity to make significant academic improvement before they fully 内部ize the idea they that are a “C Student” or a “D Student.”

An important part of this process is to develop a growth mindset in these students – A desire not only to see the academic and study skill work needed to ascend to higher grade strata as a challenge, but as an opportunity to put themselves in a position to academically succeed in the future in a way that they have not prior to this point in time.

作为七年级学生, students still have a mental plasticity that allows them to learn and implement academic and non-academic concepts at a quicker rate than later age groups. This reality can be leveraged when working to set these students on a pathway to academic achievement.
